Using funds raised at the Fairy Pools car park, MCHA are able to provide grants to individuals and organisations within Minginish.
Grants can be awarded for local organisations such as sports teams, clubs, and societies. Also eligible are educational and environmental projects and small business start-ups. Minginish residents suffering financial hardship can also get support – please get in touch (please also know that any hardship application will be treated in the strictest of confidence).
The maximum grant available will be £7,500, with most awards likely to be between £250 and £2,000.
For further details and to apply for a grant please download the eligibility criteria and application form here and email it to or give your completed hard copy to any MCHA Board member (please see the website for a list of current directors). You can also contact the project officer on 07810446660 for a paper copy.
MCHA Fairy Pools Grant Fund Application Form
Please click the button below to complete the Fairy Pools Grant Fund application form. You can also view images below of some projects we have funded.